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Welcome from the Headteacher

Manor oak image 7We are a welcoming and inclusive school where children are central to everything that we do. All of the staff at Manor Oak are immensely proud of our talented children, the diverse community we serve and the achievements we celebrate.

We focus upon developing the whole child so that they are academically, socially, emotionally and morally ready for the next stage of their education.

At Manor Oak, our learning journey begins in our 2 year old room and continues through our nursery to reception phase and then into KS1 and KS2. Throughout their education, we provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment that supports a culture of resilience, independence and aspiration. 

At Manor Oak we want every child to be the very best that they can be. 

Ms Jane Butler

If you would like a School Prospectus, any further information or to book a school visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

01689 828 099

Steel Pans